Group 8

Group 8's Time Machine Blog

-Sean Banford, Molly Bolder, Daniel Bettell-Higgins & John Arch.

Thursday 10 February 2011

hey group!
sorry for not attending the last thursday lecture but i was in hospital last week. Anywhoo, I think we should have a meeting asap to talk about what we've been given. I think the easiest route to take with the spinning jenny is the industrial revolution



  1. Sounds like a plan! What days will you have spare time to meet up?

  2. Other possible directions to take the research:

    Luddism and its resonances - technophobia, or industrial sabotage for other political/social reasons, for example
    the aesthetics of pure functionality ('Ornament is a crime')
    the history of cotton - again, political resonances which could be looked at from slavery to contemporary sweatshops.

    I'm sure there are many other possible ways to take this forward..
