Group 8

Group 8's Time Machine Blog

-Sean Banford, Molly Bolder, Daniel Bettell-Higgins & John Arch.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Hey guys, sorry about today! if we meet tommorrow so we can sort of the script and what we are all going to be saying then its finish wish will be a relief, any prefered time


  1. if we meet at like 10/11 we can get it all sorted and have time to practise a few times.

  2. wwwoooo its done, i have also writen out notes for each slide with what could be said which we can expand to say sorry for leaving it so late X

  3. Can we meet at 11 or half past? I need to get one of the trains after 10am but I need an hour to get to uni.

  4. yeah 11:30 sounds good for me

  5. Excellent, everyone else?

  6. yeah sweet, see you all then,
    Just to make sure, meeting in library yeah?

  7. I might be 5 minutes late but I'll be there! :D see you then!

  8. This was a very successful and memorable presentation, with much good practice to build on and develop further.
    The slides were very good - not too much information, the use of bullet points and images making the key points easy to read and digest. There was an effective correspondence between what was being said and what was on the screen, but what was most refreshing and effective was the way the subject was brought to life. The use of anecdotal information made the information stick - Hargreaves' house as it was and as it is now, a pile of rubble; the fact that he was 5'10" and of stout build; and various other interesting nuggets of information kept the audience alert. The use of a visual timeline was great - as was the use of a film clip - and the presentation was done in an engaged way; not reading from notes and going up to the screen to point something out were effective strategies. Well done!
